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GBCM Fundamentals - ACBC Certification (Online)

GBCM Fundamentals Course

If you are interested in either (1) becoming certified in biblical counseling under ACBC, or (2) gaining competence in biblical counseling without necessarily desiring to pursue certification, then registering for the GBCM Fundamentals Course is something to consider.

As the title suggests, this course delivers biblical instruction that is foundational to biblical counseling doctrine and methodology that is basic to effective biblical counseling. Some people want to become certified, and others simply want the training and are not necessarily interested in the certification. Whichever is the case, satisfactory completion of this course will accomplish both. But for those who do want to pursue certification, GBCM will help shepherd you through the process.

 Here are a few helpful details about the course: 

  • It is self-paced.
  • The 30 lessons are not timed.
  • There are no deadlines.
  • Satisfactory completion fully satisfies the instructional portion of Phase 1 of ACBC's certification process. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the GBCM's Fundamental's Training (specific questions, details, distinctive features, etc.), please visit our website at: www.gbcounseling.org

Or you may also contact us by either email or phone as per below: 

email: [email protected]

phone: 757-641-5497

 If you would like to see what we will cover in the course, you can review the outline here:

Course Outline


Refund Policy
We at Grace Biblical Counseling Ministries are glad you've chosen to pursue biblical counseling through our online courses. By using our platform, we trust you will not only gain valuable knowledge, but you're also helping us continue to develop and provide additional counseling resources. In the event that you have questions about our refund policy, here are our guidelines: 
  Time Limit: You have 14 days from the date of purchase to request a refund.
  Course Progress: You are eligible for a refund if you have not progressed beyond Section 1, Lesson 2. There will be no refunds for progress beyond that. 
  The amount refunded will be the amount paid (i.e., purchase price) minus any fees incurred by GBCM.

What People Are Saying:

"I am so encouraged by [this] teaching. This is very different from my own experiences as a counselee. I also wish I started this program many years ago. Many lost opportunities."

B. K.

"[A big takeaway for me was] the importance of grandparents in the grandchildren's lives. I am a grandparent and have been working hard to make an impact but this encourages me to keep on track because it will be important in their lives."


“I would have been saved from much heartache if I had known of this information [earlier in life]. Thank you, Dr. DePriest, for your teachings. The wisdom I am receiving in this course is invaluable.”


"As a secularly trained social worker/counselor, I am familiar with professional relationship training. However, your teaching on involvement, as modeled by Christ, and the building of relationships that open the door for the gospel to change lives was very impactful."

E. P.

“I'm really learning a lot with this course. I've wanted to utilize my faith in my counseling for a long time and this is really helping me learn exactly HOW to do that.”


"[A big takeaway for me was] the clarity Dr. DePriest provided when talking about the differences between the clinical approach to counseling and the biblical one. Having been trained more with the clinical mindset, I always struggled with how professionalism could help someone work through their problems. I've experienced the professional aspect as a counselee myself and I very much disliked it.... [But it is a] comfort of knowing that the Bible is the authority for instruction. Secular counseling felt like shifting sand."

S. S.

“SO MUCH MATERIAL! I enjoyed the theological perspective and making all the connections from a theological point of view to a practical way to live and view the foundations to marriage.”


"[A big takeaway for me is] the tie of counseling to discipleship. I have a passion for discipleship and I've had a passion for counseling. I don't know that I have so closely tied the two together. Consecration - Separation - Purification."


"I am fascinated at the level of boldness in the statements of Scripture essentially declaring itself complete and sufficient. I knew these things and believed these things even before this lesson. However, spending time in these particular verses has allowed me to encounter more of their power. I am in awe. Praise God!"


"I’m floored by the depth of knowledge and instruction God provides us! I knew this to be true, but this course is opening my eyes at a whole new level!"


Thanks for your answer [to my question in the course forum]. For that matter, thanks for all your answers throughout these lessons. I’m almost done with the course (and was just revisiting this section as I’m preparing to write exam question answers). I’ve read many of your answers to comments along the way and you regularly invest a lot of time, thought and carefulness in trying to give people quality responses. Thanks for treating the comment section with excellence.


"'Compromise always comes wrapped in the package of opportunity.' I will be repeating this OFTEN to children and adults alike."


"[This course] was so informative and I was very impressed with how freely you went between a word in English and a Greek word and the different meanings that each one had. Thank you for the time and energy that went into making those videos. Watching each one, I was thankful for the pause and rewind button, because I used both frequently as I was taking notes frantically! There was so much great information given, that I didn't want to miss anything. "I am certain that I will often return to the notes that I took and the printable handouts that you supplied. They will be an invaluable asset in my journey towards getting certified and beyond. I appreciate ... the thorough way in which you teach. [It was] so easy for me to follow and I loved all of the Scripture you used while explaining the best way to care for the souls of those who are hurting and need the hope of Christ in their lives."

T. A.

"My biggest takeaways were the explanations of the events in Genesis 1-3 in regard to communication. Helpful insights I had never heard....I am always enlightened by Dr. DePriest's insights into Genesis."


"[My biggest takeaway was the] exegesis of Genesis 1-3 as the foundation for all biblical marriage. This made me reconsider how I would approach marriage counseling in the future."


The lesson on a theology of marriage based on Genesis 1-3 is the best I have received over the years.


"There was a lot in this lesson to unpack and I couldn’t even begin to discuss all of it. But I guess the part that kind of stands out to me is that there was counseling in the perfect world. That never really occurred to me."


"That counseling was needed in the perfect world where all of man's needs were "met." Wow. That was a first for me."


"God's counseling in Genesis 2 and 3. Powerful."


"This teaching [on parenting] is really lacking as a whole today. I hope to put this whole section into practice when I have children of my own."


"[Biblical sexuality] is absolutely the most under-taught aspect to our lives. Even this brief treatise is more than I have ever been subjected to on the topic. So helpful."

D. T.

"[One of my biggest takeaways from this lesson was] the in-depth detail of how much Scripture really cares about communication. I always held it in high regard, but to see how much Genesis, Proverbs, and Ephesians alone really talk a lot about it and how all its forms are important ... is really mind-blowing. I am keeping this info with me!"


"I really enjoyed this lesson [on forgiveness]. I have been in church my entire life and have never heard the difference between forgiveness and forbearance. Knowing the difference between the two is very important as they are completely different in Scripture."


"I learned so much about forgiveness in this session. It was very helpful. I love the ten frequently asked questions, especially the phrases we get so used to in our culture such as, 'forgive and forget,' or 'apologize,' or 'forgive myself, God,' [etc.]."

M. M.

"I have to be honest. I was not ‘Gung Ho’ about the topic of homework until after this lesson. I see its purpose and importance now. I believe it is very key to counseling having a lasting change. Great lesson!”


"I have never heard such a clear explanation of the difference between guilt and shame. Outstanding!"

A. C.

“This is great stuff for our marriage … and as we apply new principles it gets better.”


Simply seeing the first three chapters of Genesis as a foundation for marriage was a first for me. Very interesting and helpful information.


This is the best explanation [of forgiveness] from Scripture I've heard.
